Year Five
The Class 5 Teachers are Mrs Pegg (Monday – Wednesday) and Mrs Pollock (Thursday and Friday). Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Hire.
Our question for the year is ‘How do we show humanity?’
Each of the six terms will consider an aspect of humanity – as a class, we will consider these features of humanity with discussion, writing tasks, projects, and through the learning of our own history.
Autumn term focus: Ethics and Democracy.
The Ancient Greeks were dynamic in their thirst for discovery and for modern thinking. We will look at Greece today and study the geography alongside its incredible history. We will also study the universe in detail, starting with the Big Bang and we will release a Physics podcast to keep you posted on our space adventure!
Spring term focus: Community and Responsibility.
Humans have a deep sense of community, and this is an important aspect in our forming relationships. We will look at sustainable fashion and in Biology, we study the lifecycles of several organisms and look in detail at the stages of development in humans alongside growing and changing in PSHE.
Summer term focus: Compassion and Integrity.
Terms 5 and 6 are focused on the Romans. They were a formidable bunch who had quite an impact on our tiny island – we will study these achievements alongside the consideration of their compassion – invasions and brutality were elements to their success! Speaking of elements, we will also cover Chemistry for the last part of the year! We will revisit atoms and then move on to material properties and changes.
Useful information
Every day is water bottles, a reading book and clothing suitable for the weird and wonderful weather conditions of Wiltshire!
Class 5 team: Mrs Pegg, Mrs Pollock and Mrs Hire
Class 5 Team (ID 1094)
Mrs Alison PeggClass 5 Teacher
Mrs Alison Pegg
Mrs Pegg teaches Monday to Wednesday.
Mrs Sophie PollockClass 5 Teacher
Mrs Sophie Pollock
Mrs Pollock teaches on Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Wendy HireClass 5 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Wendy Hire
Mrs Hire will be in the classroom Monday to Friday.